Calgary Security Services

Who wants to read lazily hand written logs?

What activities were taken place at the property? At what time and specific location? What if you had access to precise video and time stamps of incidents? LNN builds more than a security solution - we build relationships

See how you can reduce legal fees with video.

So what's the solution?

Each professionally trained personnel is armed with bodycams whose footage is backed up to the cloud. That footage can be reviewed by the client if so desired through our secure online client access portal.

ticketing officer image cap

More power to the client.

In addition, we offer computer generated reports to let you know what work was done. All at a substantially lower cost.

Seeing is believing, so have a look.

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June 1st, 2023

Three Situations When Security Guards Are Beneficial

Finding a good place to lease or buy a property can be challenging. Often, there is more availability in less desirable areas, and for some companies, locating a business in a more vulnerable area makes financial sense. However, this decision can leave a company more exposed to criminal activity, and this is when it is essential to have live security guards. High-volume crime statistics can keep many companies away, but in some cases, this may be the only way to open a shop.